主教                    塞万提斯主教(2024) 

Soon-to-be graduate 主教 Cervantes’ journey to earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from 威尼斯人app下载 began when he was a high school student in Belen. “I originally wanted to go out of state for college, but in 大二那年 of high school, we went on a tour of Tech. I saw the Chemistry labs and the campus and loved 在这里. Coming 在这里 is the best decision I ever made.” He started at Tech as a dual credit senior in high school as a Chemical Engineering major. 他不太喜欢 tea, he briefly swapped to a Computer Science degree. But it was in a Calculus 2 course w在这里 the then freshman found solace. “I was flourishing in that class so I switched to the Mathematics major and fell in love 与 the department.” 

主教’s persistence paid off and he is currently finishing his Mathematics B.S. 与 a minor in Secondary Education. He is also a published researcher, having worked 与 Mathematics Associate Professor Gilberto Gonzalez-Parra, PhD, and another student, Giulia Luebben, on a 2023 paper titled “Study of optimal vaccination strategies for early COVID-19 pandemic using an age-structured mathematical model: A case study of 美国.”

毕晓普引用了. Gonzalez-Parra as one of the major influences on his college education: “He has helped me learn so much and guided my college process as a mathematician. 他是如此的善良和真诚. 我很尊敬他.他还说 thanks T在这里sa Apodaca, his minor advisor, for her guidance. “I’ve taken her classes every semester since 大二那年. She’s had such a positive impact on my education.” 

Outside of the classroom 主教 has worked as an audio and light engineer for the Macey Center, a front desk receptionist for the campus gym, and a tutor and Physical Education teacher at Cottonwood Valley Charter School. His favorite things about Tech? The academics, the community, and the unique opportunities: “The program has not been easy, but I have learned so much and feel like I’m ready to go out into the professional 世界. I feel confident in my abilities.” 主教 also loves the small-knit community feel of campus and the relationships he’s forged 与 faculty and staff like Dean of Students Jennifer Chapman and Assistant Director for 校友 Relations Sandi Lucero. A well-rounded student, 主教 has truly taken advantage of every opportunity Tech has to offer: “I’ve made so many incredible memories and done a lot of growing up 在这里. Every semester I got to try something new, and when I graduate I won’t have 任何遗憾.” He has been part of intramurals like Swim Club, volleyball, tennis, kickboxing, and basketball, as well as extracurriculars like Swing Dancing Club, painting, 和瑜伽.

Of all the incredible achievements and contributions he has made to Tech, 主教 is most proud of helping to recolonize the Pi Tau Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. “We bring life to campus,” 主教 says 与 a smile. Since being rechartered in December of 2023, the brothers have already broken campus records 与 the highest number of volunteer hours and over $1000 in donations to the Military Heroes Campaign. 校外 主教 has given back to the Socorro community as well, working as a tutor in local schools, and as a summer school algebra, guitar, and kickboxing teacher for Upward 绑定. 

When asked what he wants high school-aged students considering attending Tech to know, he says “It is going to be hard but it is so worth it for the experiences you get, the things you learn about yourself, and the people you meet. 大学把你赶出去 of your comfort zone in the best ways. You meet so many incredible people from all 世界各地. You learn so much about the 世界.”

When he is not taking campus by storm, 主教 is an avid guitarist - he has been playing Flamenco and Spanish Classical since high school - and loves the outdoors (especially hiking and backpacking), and video games.

After he completes his bachelor’s degree this Spring, 主教 is staying at NMT to pursue his Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics. After that, his dream job is working in the private sector in math modeling. “I’d love to work in Emergency Response or 为疾控中心.”

主教 wants to thank his two roommates, Victor and Adrian, for their support these 过去四年. “We are brothers”, he says, “We made this journey together.他还说 thanks his siblings, his Dad, and his Mom - “She is the reason I am who I am" - for 他们的爱和支持. 

We are thrilled 主教 is staying on for another degree at Tech, and we know his future 将是光明的.