

Torres, S. M.哈格尔,M. J.金伯利,J., Robey, R. E.,“聚合物的冲击响应” methyl methacrylate (PMMA) under explosive loading", Journal of Dynamic Behavior of 材料,2024, DOI: 10.1007/s40870-024-00415-z


Torres, S.D’orazio, M. N.哈格尔,M. J.,“长纹影聚焦增强” 使用校正透镜的系统”,应用光学,2023; DOI: 10.1364/AO.498240

Purcell, D. C.哈格尔,M. J.C. Z.剪切和燃烧特性 of printable ammonium perchlorate composite propellant formulations", Propellants, 炸药,烟火,2023年 DOI: 10.1002/prep.202300154

Hargather, M. J., Winter, K.O.金伯利,J., Wei. T.爆炸性的比较 driven shock wave radius versus time scaling approaches", Shock Waves, 2023. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-023-01149-y

Torres. S.沃罗别夫,O. Y., Robey, R. E.哈格尔,M. J.,《威尼斯人app下载》 fracture in polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)", Journal of Applied Physics, 134:075103, 2023, DOI: 10.1063/5.0160147

Palmer, S.杨伯德,S.金伯利,J.哈格尔,M. J.,“就地测量” of the fragmentation behaviour of Al/PTFE reactive materials subjected to explosive loading, Part 2: Fragment velocity and trajectory measurements", Propellants Explosives 烟火,2023年,DOI: 10.1002/prep.202200104

血性小子,年代. H., Palmer, S.D . Avalos-Violante. A.金伯利,J.哈格尔,M. J.,“就地测量” of the fragmentation behaviour of Al/PTFE reactive materials subjected to explosive loading, Part 1: Fragment size measurements", Propellants Explosives 烟火,2023年,DOI: 10.1002/prep.202200103


Peterson, C.埃斯皮诺萨,V.哈格尔,M. J.爆炸式的实验进化 driven gas clouds in varying confinement", Experiments in Fluids, 63:185, 2022.  DOI: 10.1007/s00348-022-03531-5

Mier, F. A., Hill, S. M. M., Lamb, J.哈格尔,M. J.,“相互作用的量化 between nearby, outwardly angled gas jets", Experiments in Fluids, 63:88 2022.  DOI: 10.1007/s00348-022-03442-5

Mier, F. A., Hill, S. M. M., Lamb, J.哈格尔,M. J.“非侵入性内压 measurement of 18650 format lithium ion batteries during thermal runaway", Journal [j] .能源科学与技术,2016,31 (1):1 - 4.  DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2022.104322

血性小子,年代.H.哈格尔,M. J.莫拉莱斯,R.菲利普,J., Peguero, J., Grubelich, M., Saul, W. V., "Sea level performance of nitrous oxide and ethanol bi-propellant rocket engines", International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, DOI: 10.1615 / IntJEnergeticMaterialsChemProp.2022038989


Novosselov,我. V.库尔塔斯-麦肯尼,C. A.米罗什尼克,L.Kottapalli, K., Ockerman, B., Manley, T. E., Gardner, M. W., Lareau, R., Brady, J., Sweat, M., Smith, A.R., Hargather, M. J.博多安,S.,“用于安全应用的痕量炸药取样 (TESSA) study: Evaluation of procedures and methodology for contact sampling efficiency'', 地球物理学报,234:122633,2021,DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122633

Wei, T.哈格尔,M., J.,“一种新的爆炸波尺度”,冲击波,31:231-238; 2021, doi: 10.1007/s00193-021-01012-y


Peguero, J. C., Forrest, E. C., Knepper, R.哈格尔,M. J., Tappan, A. S., Marquez, M. P.瓦西里奥斯卡斯,J. G., Rupper, S. G.,上方空气冲击的折射成像 microscale defects in pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) films", Propellants, Explosives, 《威尼斯人app》,2020,DOI: 10.1002/prep.202000029


Winter, K. O.哈格尔,M. J.,“三维冲击波重建使用 multiple high-speed digital cameras and background-oriented schlieren imaging" Experiments 中国生物医学工程学报,2016,33 (3):391 - 391. DOI: 10.1007/s00348-019-2738-x

Mier, F. A.哈格尔,M. J.费雷拉,S. R.,“排气实验量化” mechanism flow parameters in 18650 format lithium ion batteries", Journal of Fluids 工程学报,2019,41 (6):1403-2.

Skinner, T.哈格尔,M. J.布莱克伍德,J., Hays, M., Bangham, M.,“仪器”
for producing tunable, repeatable, hydrogen-oxygen de agrative blast waves", Shock
《威尼斯人app下载》,2019 DOI: 10.1007/s00193-019-00922-2.


Mier, F. A., Bhakta, R., Castano, N., Garcia, J.哈格尔,M. J.”实验 measurement of steady and transient liquid coiling with high-speed video and digital 图像处理”,流体,3:107,2018. DOI: 10.3390 / fluids3040107


Mier, F. A.莫拉莱斯,R.库尔塔斯-麦肯尼,C. A.哈格尔,M. J., Ostanek, J., "Overcharge and thermal destructive testing of lithium metal oxide and lithium metal phosphate batteries incorporating optical diagnostics", 储能杂志, 13:378-386, 2017.

Settles, G. S.哈格尔,M. J.,“纹影和 shadowgraph techniques," Measurement Science and Technology, 28:042001, DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/aa5748, 2017.


Tobin, J. D.哈格尔,M. J.,《威尼斯人app下载》 Shock Wave Density, Temperature, and Pressure Profiles," Propellants, Explosives, 烟火,DOI: 10.1002/prep.201600097, 2016.

Mier, F. A.哈格尔,M. J., "Color gradient background-oriented schlieren imaging," Experiments 《威尼斯人app》,DOI: 10.1007/s00348-016-2183-z, 2016.

Skaggs, M. N.哈格尔,M. J., Cooper, M. A., "表征烟火点火器 输出与高速纹影成像,“冲击波,DOI: 10.1007/s00193-016-0640-5, 2016.

Giannuzzi P. M.哈格尔,M. J., Doig, G. C.“爆炸驱动的冲击波和 vortex ring interaction with a propane flame," Shock Waves, DOI: 10.1007/s00193-016-0627-2, 2016.


Craven, B. A.哈格尔,M. J., Volpe, J. A.弗里米尔,S. P.,安定,G. S., "Design of a high-throughput chemical trace detection portal that samples the aerodynamic 行走的人的尾流,”IEEE传感器,14:1852-1866,DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2304538, 2014.


Hargather, M. J., "Background-oriented schlieren diagnostics for large-scale explosive 测试,”冲击波,23:529-536 DOI: 10.1007/s00193-013-0446-7 2013.

Hargather, M. J.,安定,G. S.Gogineni, S.,“用于表征的光学诊断。 a transitional shear layer over a supersonic cavity," AIAA Journal, 51:2977-2982 DOI: 10.2514/1.J052421 2013.

Young, R. M.哈格尔,M. J.和塞特利斯,G. S.剪切应力和颗粒去除 measurements of a round turbulent air jet impinging normally upon a planar wall," Journal 大气科学进展,32 (2):615 - 625,2013.

Fulghum, M. R.哈格尔,M. J.和塞特利斯,G. S.集成冲击器/探测器 for a high-throughput explosive-trace detection portal," IEEE Sensors Journal, 13:1252-1258, 2013.


Svingala, F. R.哈格尔,M. J.和塞特利斯,G. S.光学测量技术 the shock Hugoniot using ballistic projectile and high-explosive shock initiation," International 冲击工程学报,35 (5):776 - 782,2012.

Hargather, M. J.和塞特利斯,G. S.三个数量纹影的比较 光学与激光工程,2012,35 (1):8-17.


Hargather, M. J., Lawson, M. J.,安定,G. S.韦恩斯坦,L. M.无籽测速仪 measurements by schlieren image velocimetry," AIAA Journal, 49(3):611-620, 2011.

Hargather, M. J.,室友,M. E., Madalis, M. J., Smith, D. J.和塞特利斯,G. S., "The internal aerodynamics of cargo containers for trace chemical sampling and [j] .中国机械工程,2016,35 (5):394 - 394.


Hargather, M. J. 并解决了G. S.,“背景导向纹影可视化” heating and ventilation flows: HVAC-BOS,” of the 14th International Symposium 论流可视化,大邱,韩国,2010年6月,论文编号. 266.

Hargather, M. J.,安定,G. S.Madalis, M. J.大声声音的纹影成像 and weak shock waves in air near the limit of visibility," Shock Waves, 20(1):9-17, 2010.

Hargather, M. J. 并解决了G. S.,“自然背景定向纹影成像”,实验 流体力学,48(1):59-68,2010.


Hargather, M. J. and Settles, G. S.“实验室规模的测量技术 of a material response to an explosive blast," International Journal of Impact Engineering, 36:940-947, 2009.

Hargather, M. J. and Settles, G. S.,“大尺度光影反射技术” 流场可视化[j] .光学与工程学报,2016,33 (2):449- 457.

Hargather, M. J., Lawson, M. J.,安定,G. S.温斯坦,L. M.Gogenini, S., "Focusing-schlieren PIV measurements of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer,” of the 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, January 2009, AIAA 论文2009 - 69.


Settles, G. S.哈格尔,M. J., Lawson, M. J., Bigger, R. P.Madalis, M. J., "Schlieren imaging of shock waves in air at the extreme weak limit,” of the 13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Nice, France, July 2008, paper no. 277.

Hargather, M. J.,安定,G. S.doson - dreibelbis, L. J.利布纳,T. J.”Natural-background-oriented schlieren imaging,” of the 13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 尼斯,法国,2008年7月,论文号. 275.

Hargather, M. J., Scaling, Characterization, and application of gram-range explosive charges to blast testing of materials, PhD Thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 2008.


Hargather, M. J.,安定,G. S.Gatto, J. A.光学测量和缩放 of blasts from gram-range explosive charges," Shock Waves, 17(4):215-223, 2007.

Hargather, M. J.,安定,G. S.Gatto, J. A.,“克级爆炸缩放 and associated materials response,” of the 26th International Symposium 《威尼斯人app》,德国哥廷根,2007年7月.

Biss, M. M.哈格尔,M. J.,安定,G. S., Dodson, L. J.米勒,J. D.,“高速 digital shadowgraphy of shock waves from explosions and gunshots,” of the 26th International Symposium 《威尼斯人app》,德国哥廷根,2007年7月.


Hargather, M. J.,安定,G. S.Gatto, J. A.,“光学测量,表征, and scaling of blasts from gram-range explosive charges,” of the 4th International 航空安全技术研讨会,华盛顿特区.C., 2006年11月至12月.

Hargather, M. J.,安定,G. S., Gatto, J. A.格鲁鲁普,T. P.米勒,J. D., "Full-scale optical experiments on the explosive failure of a ULD-3 air cargo container,” of the 4th International 航空安全技术研讨会,华盛顿特区.C., 2006年11 - 12月刊.


Settles, G. S.格鲁鲁普,T. P., Miller, J. D.哈格尔,M. J., Dodson, L. J., Gatto, J. A., "Full-scale high-speed "edgerton" retroreflective shadowgraphy of explosions and gunshots,” of the 5th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and 图像处理,澳大利亚,2005年9月.


Hargather, M. J., Molecular dynamics simulation of magnetic nanoparticles in a fluid, 荣誉论文,宾夕法尼亚州立大学贝伦德分校,2004年.